5 Common Cat Diseases Every Cat Owner Should Know

With more families adopting cats, the likelihood of encountering health issues during cat ownership increases. Whether you’re a novice or have been raising cats for years, dealing with cat illnesses is a reality all cat owners face. Below, we’ve summarized five common diseases in cats, along with their causes, symptoms, and recommended treatments. If you notice any abnormalities, it’s crucial to act promptly.

1. Cat Ringworm (Cat Moss)

Causes: Cat ringworm is primarily caused by a fungal infection. Factors such as allergies, poor physical condition, and infections from other cats can also lead to this condition.
Symptoms: The most common areas affected are the ears, chin, and tail. Early signs include small, round patches of hair loss with dry dandruff on the surface. In severe cases, there may be skin ulcers and large areas of hair loss, spreading across the body as the condition worsens.
Treatment: If you have multiple cats, isolate the affected cat first. Shave the hair around the infected area and apply the appropriate antifungal ointment to the skin.

2. Soft Stool in Cats

Causes: Soft stool can be caused by indigestion, gastroenteritis, environmental changes, or a change in diet.
Symptoms: The stool is usually brown or yellow and unshaped.
Treatment: It’s recommended to use probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal flora. If the soft stool is due to a change in diet, follow a gradual 7-day food transition method.

3. Black Chin in Cats

Causes: A black chin can result from hormone imbalances, fungal infections, or an unclean food bowl.
Symptoms: Small black spots appear on the chin. In severe cases, there may be black discharge, hair loss, and the chin may become red and swollen.
Treatment: Gently wipe the chin with a cotton pad moistened with saline twice daily. Over time, the black spots will diminish.

4. Excessive Tearing in Cats

Causes: Excessive heat, greasy cat food, or consuming salty foods can cause tearing.
Symptoms: Increased eye discharge and dark brown secretion from the corners of the eyes.
Treatment: Wipe the corners of the eyes daily with saline, ensure your cat drinks plenty of water, and avoid feeding them human food.

5. Ear Mites in Cats

Causes: Poor immunity, inadequate environmental disinfection, or infections from other pets.
Symptoms: The cat frequently scratches and shakes its ears. There’s a significant amount of brown discharge in the ear canal, and the ear canal may appear red and swollen.
Treatment: Use cat ear drops, apply them into the cat’s ear canal, and gently massage the base of the ears. Clean the outer ear with a cotton swab, and let the cat shake its head to expel the debris.

By being aware of these common diseases and their treatments, you can better protect your cat’s health and ensure a happy life for your feline companion.

5 Common Cat Diseases,Enfermedades Comunes en los Gatos,Kedilerde Görülen 5 Yaygın Hastalık,Bệnh Thường Gặp Ở Mèo,Karaniwang Sakit sa Pusa,常見貓病